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Evenings in the cinema

Julia Hartwig - Poet

Well, my time was taken up because in the evenings I used to go to the cinema a great deal over there since these films weren't being shown in Poland. I went to the theatre, to the opera and to concerts. Of course, I always sat in the cheapest seats because I had no money. But even in the cheap seats, one could hear just as well and see quite well, too; if one had opera glasses it wasn't too bad. So I attended all the theatre performances of that period but there was one other thing that really drew me in, namely, I found out that in Paris in the Musée de l'Homme there was a cinémathèque. When I learned about that, I asked if I could join. 'You have a membership card to the Bibliothèque Nationale, yes, or course, you're most welcome'. I saw a huge number of the interesting films which they had there; of course, they have hundreds, I only saw a fraction. I saw, among others, all of Buñuel's films and I was amazed. I'm a great admirer of Buñuel. I noticed that he had made a huge number of films which included a great deal of poor quality films. So it wasn't really worth watching except that in order to find this out, it was worth watching. Because that means that someone who's a genius can from time to time write or create something that's really good but in addition to this, there's just ordinary everyday work which, even if the screenplay isn't so interesting, he still goes on to make the film.

Freeman Dyson - Scientist
Sherwin Nuland - Surgeon
John Maynard Smith - Scientist
Marvin Minsky - Scientist